The Mission Statement is unusually the last page of the REOBT Introduction document. It's presented in a pictorial magazine format, so a little difficult to zoom and read. From inception the REOBT initiative has been embryonic in its development, yet the original Mission Statement still remains intact. For the two individuals who have requested, below is the narrative: ESTABLISH To Create and Establish the definitive continent-wide opera ballet & musical theatre company, assembling the finest European talents in performance and production; reflecting contemporary and innovative performance arts realised within a culturally diverse yet evolving Europe. ENTERTAIN To Entertain and Enlighten audiences of all ages, language, culture and creed. To encourage, promote and advocate musical theatre, opera and ballet to the masses, dispelling the traditional exclusivity and presenting a fresh, vibrant and exciting face to the world of Musical Theatre. INDEPENDENT
To Provide an inspiring and celebrated focal point, independent of political or cultural partiality, free to express, explore and create whilst not restricted by state or public funding. To work in partnership with arts organisations, Governments and commerce though retaining self-determination and autonomy, therefore maintaining its principle objectives. COMMONALITY
To Harness and Embrace cultural awareness and understanding through education and performance arts; developing commercial, social and national relations. To be a continent-wide Ambassador for opportunity, enterprise and collaboration. A flagship for cultural exchange, whilst celebrating the commonality of a shared artistic & historical heritage.
To be Recognised and Acclaimed as the most dynamic opera, ballet, theatre company worldwide, unequalled in flair or endeavour. To be a distinction of pride, admiration and accomplishment, whilst remaining accessible and obliging to all.